Intimacy Is So Much More Than You Know

2 min readJul 23, 2021
Photo by Becca S.

“Intimacy is a totally different dimension. It is allowing the other to come into you, to see you as you see yourself.”

- Osho

Intimacy is often misunderstood and feared by many. All facets of deep intimacy tend to be overlooked and instead the physical connection is what we usually focus on. And not because we don’t care enough or love enough, but because we’ve distanced greatly from ourselves and the essence of life.

How can we ask for deep intimacy with another when we hide from our own truth, avoid facing our fears and darkness, fail to fully listen to our needs, nurture ourselves, remember our true potential and stop ourselves from feeling and embodying the unconditional love we’re so worthy of?

We’ll only ever be able to experience with another the depth at which we first connect with ourselves.

I’m inviting you to be playful and explore how you could allow yourself to love yourself fully and freely, be open and non-judgmental about yourself and your desires, live without guilt and fear, feel passionate and whole within yourself…




BLISSFUL SOURCE was created with the intent to guide, empower, inspire & support you on your self-mastery journey. Rise in Love & Transform Your Life.