Intimacy - 4 Tips To Deepen Your Relationship With Your Partner

4 min readJul 29, 2021

“ Intimacy is not something that just happens between two people; it is a way of being alive. At every moment, we are choosing either to reveal ourselves or to protect ourselves, to value ourselves or to diminish ourselves, to tell the truth or to hide. To dive into life or to avoid it. Intimacy is making the choice to be connected to, rather than isolated from, our deepest truth at that moment.”

- G. Roth

To be able to connect with our partner on a higher level, you must first take responsibility for the relationship you have with yourself.

Becoming aware of the story you believe to be true about yourself and learning how to zoom out and perceive your thoughts, feelings and behaviors from a place where you’re no longer the lead character and only the observer, will transform the way you live your life and how authentic you can be in the context of an intimate relationship.

How different things would be if we changed the narrative and instead of projecting our wounds and fears, we chose to take…




BLISSFUL SOURCE was created with the intent to guide, empower, inspire & support you on your self-mastery journey. Rise in Love & Transform Your Life.