Ask Yourself These 5 Questions To Improve Your Self-Awareness

2 min readJul 14, 2021
allow clarity blog — galaxy photo
Photo by Bryon Goff

”One of the most healing things you can do is recognize where in your life you are your own poison.” -S. Maraboli

What an act of courage it is to allow yourself to dive curiously, faithfully within the depths of your mind, heart and soul, to be willing to witness the wounds, the lessons, the blessings… to detach emotionally and only keep the growth… to let go of fears, remorse, regret, pain, judgement… to free yourself from yourself, the you that took shape over the years you spent on Earth.

There’s nothing more powerful other than mastering thyself.

Knowing yourself inside out will allow you to find balance in your life and live in harmony. Becoming aware of what triggers you, what fuels you, what you want, what you don’t want, how to stand up, take inspired action, set boundaries, how to live an authentic life in a way that’s inspiring, true to your essence and doesn’t make others feel inferior or left aside is what life is all about.

It’s all a happening, but wouldn’t you rather experience it consciously instead of blindly?

Here are some questions worth exploring:

How can I empower myself in such a way that others feel empowered too just by being in my presence?




BLISSFUL SOURCE was created with the intent to guide, empower, inspire & support you on your self-mastery journey. Rise in Love & Transform Your Life.