5 Powerful Ways To Faith It Until You Make It!

3 min readNov 21, 2021
orange butterfly sits on a purple flower

“You are absolutely and completely healthy and everyone around you is healthy. And the World is eternal. And all events are creative. And always you see everything only in positive light. And everything around is favorable.”

- G. Grabovoi

You’ve probably heard it before and perhaps also said it to yourself: “Fake it until you make it!”

The energy behind that statement is one of disbelief, illusion and not feeling enough. And even so, it could work for some but it requires a lot of hard work, hustling and facing significant resistance because one is being reactive rather than proactive in creating a new reality.

Instead, when you say to yourself “faith it until you make it”, what you’re actually doing is reminding yourself of the power within and how there is no need for you to try and figure out a way to “make things happen” from a narrow, logical perspective.

In fact, what you are asked to do is trust and have faith that the Universe, this Higher Power, Infinite Intelligence, God, or however you relate to it can effortlessly sort through an infinite number of possibilities and present to you the best case scenario…




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